
EP26 Dog Training Franchise Acquisition in Austin Texas with Chirag Shah

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00:00 Collar used for attention in dog training.

05:52 Affordable and well-functioning business met expectations.

09:04 Reviewed numerous deals, submitted LOIs, contracted 2.

11:13 Discussing emotional and financial factors in business purchasing.

15:46 Tenant turnover leads to lower income risk.

19:22 Focused on sales, growing company’s revenue. Limited expansion.

22:15 Progressing in sales, aiming to scale further.

26:43 Glad you’re sharing real, conversational thoughts.

27:35 Dealing with post-deal matters in business.

30:46 Doubts about leadership and decision-making still linger.

36:08 Learn the lesson, take care of sales.

39:15 Reading only when necessary; tired of self-help.

43:17 Training dogs to improve life and relationships.

47:01 Benefits of sharing with a business coach.

49:52 Embrace challenges as opportunities for personal growth.

51:15 Focused on hiring more trainers and consultants.

Primary Topic: Chirag’s Business Acquisition and Operations

– Acquisition of Sit Means Sit franchise in Austin

  – Interaction with brokers and VA

  – Costs and seller note

  – Personal reasons for the acquisition

– Business performance and challenges

  – Sales improvement and focus on scaling

  – Staffing issues and team changes

  – Emotional and practical challenges of staff turnover

– Impact of team changes on leadership

  – Chirag’s resolve and determination

– Chirag’s management and personal routine

  – Morning routine, exercise, and meditation

  – Emotional fulfillment and impact on sales

  – Resolving to move out of sales

Business Growth and Sales Strategies

– Fulfillment from dog training and business performance

  – Increase in reviews and reputation

  – Impact of dog training on people’s lives

  – Analogies of training a business and acquiring leadership

– Seeking business coaching and mentorship

  – Different coaching types and strategic planning

  – Experiences and benefits of coaching

Personal and Professional Development

– Self-growth and leadership

  – Importance of challenging experiences

  – Plans to hire and grow the business

  – Rapid changes and personal development

– Property management and business revenue

  – Active involvement in real estate

  – Strategies for business growth and efficiency

– Deal acquisition process and emotional challenges

  – Timeframe and motivation for the acquisition

  – Emotional challenges and comparison with property investment

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